Shout out to elevator shaft for favoriting my work :D @ESCalation
If you so happen to follow me, I will follow back because I have nothing better to do :p
Shout out to elevator shaft for favoriting my work :D @ESCalation
Half-Life 2 Episode 1 Box Art recreation with Fur-Alyx deviantart.com/callisto-2199/art…
Gordon and Alyx im so sorry guys but it had to be done! the advisors told me to do it deviantart.com/callisto-2199/art…
Our Mutual Fiend deviantart.com/callisto-2199/art…
Gordon Foxman (I'm sorry) deviantart.com/callisto-2199/art…
Furry Gordon Freeman, or should I say; Gordon Furman Yeah I'll see myself out
A small detail I caught in EP 2 is that Alyx was side-eyeing Magnusson when he was talking in the first half of the transmission. She really does speak for us huh lmao.
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is an experience to behold. Very... surreal. It's like Garry's Mod but mom said we have Garry's Mod at home.
I've been playing Delta Particles just now, the second chapter is so looooong that it manifested a personal headcanon that Nick Farell is just so tired of everything; he grew a shrimp posture.
Is it ever hinted that there are multiple Citadels in Half-Life 2? During Episode One, Kleiner said something like "Citadel networks." I assume it means there are other Citadels on Earth right? But that begs the question of why the Combine would have multiple Citadels instead of one. Would it make sense to just have one Citadel? The purpose of the Citadel is kind of left ambiguous. Is it a base of operations? Technically yes since Breen is stationed at one of them. Is it a factory? Yeah also. Is it a power plant? It has two reactors, the Core and the Dark Fusion Reactor. Maybe it's a giant glorified thumper, it shakes the ground in the chapter "Our Benefactors". Now, I have a theory but I have to ask you guys something. Where would you think the portal storms went after the Combine occupied Earth? Before Half-Life 2, portal storms appeared and caused havoc on Earth. It also brought the Combine in. We also know that in Half-Life: Alyx there were multiple portal storms. During Half…