Greetings! I'm back from my slumber and I'm finally making stuff again. Anyways, enjoy this cool render of an HECU grunt I made this morning. Once I'm done practicing and familiarizing myself with soft lamps I'll start making some proper scenebuilds.
Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to everyone! wishing you all the best for this exciting new year! also make sure you spend some quality time with your family and your loved ones in this holiday and thanks for being such an awesome community!
Happy 25th anniversary of Half-Life! I wanted to make a huge battle thing with HECU marines but that would take me 15-20 business days to complete and I am a very ̶l̶a̶z̶y̶ busy person so here's Freeman sitting on a couch with a Combine Soldier.
okaaaaaay maybe I'll oppose a few bars before bed! #OpposingTheBar
uhhhhhh #OpposingTheBar so I was gonna make a cool gmod thing with hecu soldiers and stuff but soft lamps kinda broke and I got lazy sooo yeah. I probably won't be attending the event anyway but hopefully I will! Enjoy! (or not)
finally made something again, I learned the art of soft lamps and it's kinda frustrating but it turned out pretty good I guess.
#WestehMeets an interdimensional tax auditor
Cold War Drip
just a little practice thing I made, testing out tools and stuff
Movie Night #gmodmultiverse