🚨 HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT 🚨 We're extremely excited to launch our latest venture - the LambdaGeneration #LFT Store. Buy and trade Half-Life & Valve LFTs (Lambda-Fungible Tokens) and own part of the community! The future of crypto is here. 🙌 λ 🪙 Buy now 👉 lft.lambdageneration.com/

Just bought a cake! 10/10 would funge again
Thank you for the review!
aight, who do I have to fight to get the :baf: token?
You are too late.
No... you're too late.
L + Ratio + You + Small pp + Stupidest idea ever + you dont have bitches
Please be aware, we will be reporting anyone screenshotting to the relevant authorities.
im gonna cry for the rest of the night
I uh made a joke about lambda nfts and this happened
Everyone blame this guy ^
i just create the account and this is the first thing i see, wonderful
Don't make me do a sans fortnite dance
Screenshot + bankruptcy + 0/10 community + cringe + dumbo behavior
When will people realize this is a joke?
Who wants to buy + who cares
Stupid + Ratio + Fatherless behavior + motherless bozo + you have no milk
L dumbo + Ratio + simp + go touch grass + small pp + fatherless behavior + stupid + why + who cares + fat ass + wtf + crypto lover bozo + and why
It's the 1st of April mate
L bozo + dumb + go touch grass