Is this rare? It's from 2005. My friend gave it to me a few years ago. I love it because it’s the only physical valve game in my collection and I have no idea where to get more.
Just your local nerd.
Is this rare? It's from 2005. My friend gave it to me a few years ago. I love it because it’s the only physical valve game in my collection and I have no idea where to get more.
I just played Entropy: Zero for the first time. Can't wait to play EZ 2.
My Half-Life 1 fish inspired drawing on the art school exhibition
The new LambdaGeneration 404 page - Gaben room from Half-Life 1
Sven Coop - With 30 players. We can't even move, but it's fun.
Deathmatch Classic Party. This game is FAST.
When i was 10 years old, I discovered Half-Life on one of the school PCs. I played a lot of counter strike before, but I didn’t know it was an hl mod. I played HLDM with my friends when the teacher didn’t check what we were doing, and it was really funny. At the time, I didn’t even know that half life was a singleplayer game by default. I didn't know what the difference was between goldsrc and source, so i first played half-life source instead of the original half-life. It was a mistake.
Sven Co-op party. It was fun!
Old Garry's Mod poster that i made
I just uninstalled Counter-Strike: Source. It was a bad idea.