


#halflife4ever - Fine linen-fine linen's reason to live 1...2...Is Leak, but not supported by PelPix123 End.

Joined 12 Jun 2023
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
"While his mask may resemble that of the enemy we have learn to hate, he is more human than any of them can imagine. A free man can have powerful friends..."

"While his mask may resemble that of the enemy we have learn to hate, he is more human than any of them can imagine. A free man can have powerful friends..."

"Dude what is up with this guy? Comes here, breaks supply crates and says nothing, not a single word, christ he might be Freeman in disguise for all i know. I will have some words with Elli when we get to base, i swear to god."

"Dude what is up with this guy? Comes here, breaks supply crates and says nothing, not a single word, christ he might be Freeman in disguise for all i know. I will have some words with Elli when we get to base, i swear to god."

GoldSrc >> Source 2. Half-Life & Counter-Strike always use the new VALVe Engines.
GoldSrc >> Source 2. Half-Life & Counter-Strike always use the new VALVe Engines.
GoldSrc >> Source 2. Half-Life & Counter-Strike always use the new VALVe Engines.
GoldSrc >> Source 2. Half-Life & Counter-Strike always use the new VALVe Engines.

GoldSrc >> Source 2. Half-Life & Counter-Strike always use the new VALVe Engines.

Needed a small break from my Alien setting and decided trying some textures tonight. Gotta say, being able to create the texture exactly the right shape for the brush is pretty cool. Could be a retro-pixel-shooter but im not going to pursue it for now.
Needed a small break from my Alien setting and decided trying some textures tonight. Gotta say, being able to create the texture exactly the right shape for the brush is pretty cool. Could be a retro-pixel-shooter but im not going to pursue it for now.

Needed a small break from my Alien setting and decided trying some textures tonight. Gotta say, being able to create the texture exactly the right shape for the brush is pretty cool. Could be a retro-pixel-shooter but im not going to pursue it for now.

A few people thought my last post was fake.

I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...)

I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌
A few people thought my last post was fake.

I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...)

I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌
A few people thought my last post was fake.

I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...)

I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌

A few people thought my last post was fake. I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...) I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌
