Patroling the Black Mesa maintenance tunnels almost makes you wish for a Resonance Cascade.
We do science.

100th post to celebrate 100 followers. Thank you all. Now my boss can finally give me that pay raise from 20$ an hour to 21$ an hour.

Otis broke one of our security doors down with his bare hands. We've called the SCP Foundation.

All my childhood

@lambdageneration I've got an idea for the website in the future. There should be a light mode for the Portal fans, where everything dark is bright, and anything orange is blue. Dark mode represents Black Mesa. Light mode represents Aperture.

Black Mesa has slow teleportation that allows people from other worlds to invade. We have instant teleportation with portals that you control where they are placed. And yet people still prefer Black Mesa. Disappointing

The HECU Crew

Did you know: The Bullsquid spit attack used to have a 3D model instead of a sprite