
Dec 1, 2021

Both of you seem to have the mutual issue of mute people destroying your facilities!

Official Mann Co.

we have engie, in a few seconds he can teleport anything withouth killing his CEO of cancer


Yeah well I bet he can't... Um... Make a homicidal A.I.?

Nov 30, 2021

As the administrator of Black Mesa, I find this highly untrue. Our portals are far more advanced. We have master local teleportation and inter dimensional teleportation. Our local portals are constantly activated while you have to use a gun-like form. Checkmate, Aperture, checkmate

Aperture Science PR Department

Cave Johnson says that “your mom’s a hoe”

Nov 30, 2021

At least they don't have a murdering ai.

Black Mesa
Black Mesa
Nov 30, 2021

Bleh! You teleported a whole boat into some ice, are we suppost to be impressed?

Aperture Science PR Department

Spelling mistake. I win.

Dec 1, 2021

Don't worry, you're both equally unethical!

Dec 2, 2021

Valve is so lazy, so i dont know what else you have more than a portal gun and test chambers but black mesa seem to have a lot of weapons, more dangerous hazards than yours, they have a creepy guy in a suit and with a briefcase. I dunno black mesa's kinda cooler :P

Aperture Science PR Department

What “Valve”? Besides, we also have the Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube, Excursion Tunnel and Arial Faithplates. All Black Mesa has is lame teleportation.

Reply to Aperture Science PR Department
Dec 5, 2021

Yeah but all i hope is for black mesa to not cause a resonance cascade and apurture science to not turn into an ai leader and a test subject left in ruins.

Reply to Aperture Science PR Department
Dec 5, 2021

Actually when i think about it, you have a lot of things. Like those liquids making you jump, the ones making you run faster etc. You dont any violance to be good game!