


Its me, yo Red info_player_start I make maps!

Joined 21 Jun 2021
Brazil - City 134
Created a map in our LambdaBuilds competitions
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Showed up for a rather blue shift #ShiftingTheBar
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
New branch called test added to Half-Life 2
Remember that the half-life 25th anniversary update branch was also called test.
But don't get super hyped, lets wait and see.

New branch called test added to Half-Life 2 Remember that the half-life 25th anniversary update branch was also called test. But don't get super hyped, lets wait and see.

My First mapping contest.
A kind of spiritual successor to Nostalgiaville. All about being nostalgic of Half-Life 2.
The Judges will be me
No prizes involved, but you can always learn something new or at least earn some bragging rights.
Read the details here:!An7LsiA9EUe9xw1P-az4SFByAAAG?e=9PXXss

My First mapping contest. A kind of spiritual successor to Nostalgiaville. All about being nostalgic of Half-Life 2. The Judges will be me No prizes involved, but you can always learn something new or at least earn some bragging rights. Read the details here:!An7LsiA9EUe9xw1P-az4…


I don't like when I click on a post to see the comments then when I close the post it sends me back to the top of the feed page
