Happy 5th Anniversary to Half-Life: Alyx
The first entry since 2007 and the best VR game to date. Oh how time flies
And we have a new entry on the horizon...
Happy Birthday to Half Life: Alyx! Five years already, what a wild ride. I can honestly say I probably wouldn't have gone on this long with animating if it wasn't for Alyx's release. Here's to the next five!
Complete barracks redesign, an APC repair shop, and a lab dedicated to researching the crystals.
More progress on the arctic base map. My main focus the past few days has been the base itself. Temple section is still unfinished.
Can you guess what Y717 means?
No, you can't eat the depleted uranium unless your name is Utsuho Reiuji.
More progress on the arctic base map. Only reason for the "location disclosed through secure access transmission" is because I got lazy and didn't wanna find a place in the Arctic Circle this place could be in.