


I am incredibly handsome.

Joined 1 Apr 2023
Mojave Wasteland
Judgement Day
Judgement Day
Witnessed #GabeGPT become three aware
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes
-Reubicación de post-
For some time now, we have been dedicated to creating figures of Valve games, especially from Half-Life. This is more about contributing to the community with those figures that many of us wanted but never had (not because of money, but because they didn't exist, haha).

Helpme on instagram pls:
-Reubicación de post-
For some time now, we have been dedicated to creating figures of Valve games, especially from Half-Life. This is more about contributing to the community with those figures that many of us wanted but never had (not because of money, but because they didn't exist, haha).

Helpme on instagram pls:
-Reubicación de post-
For some time now, we have been dedicated to creating figures of Valve games, especially from Half-Life. This is more about contributing to the community with those figures that many of us wanted but never had (not because of money, but because they didn't exist, haha).

Helpme on instagram pls:
-Reubicación de post-
For some time now, we have been dedicated to creating figures of Valve games, especially from Half-Life. This is more about contributing to the community with those figures that many of us wanted but never had (not because of money, but because they didn't exist, haha).

Helpme on instagram pls:

-Reubicación de post- For some time now, we have been dedicated to creating figures of Valve games, especially from Half-Life. This is more about contributing to the community with those figures that many of us wanted but never had (not because of money, but because they didn't exist, haha). Helpme on instagram pls: instagram.com/yoko.room.pe/

Happy New Year of 2024! 🥳
This year was pretty busy for us, and awesome you guys! 
We would like to thank you all for sticking with us this year.
We're looking forward to what 2024 has in store! 🫡

Happy New Year's Holidays!

Happy New Year of 2024! 🥳 This year was pretty busy for us, and awesome you guys! We would like to thank you all for sticking with us this year. We're looking forward to what 2024 has in store! 🫡 Happy New Year's Holidays!
