Another GKarts video posted to my profile to not clog up the Garry's Mod community, just been having lots of fun with it lately.
Been messin around with the GKarts: TurboCharged mod the past little bit, it's real fun, control wise, they nailed what I had in mind for the GoldSrcKart project lol
I suppose now is a good as a time as any to do full force into Godot now honestly lol. Porting over some of the unity projects I've done in recent months right now
Sometimes I think about reviving the GoldSrc Kart project, the hardest part would be finding a dev that would be willing to put up with my mess lol.
So you see this funky little controller that John Romero is advertising/ using right? So you'd think it comes with Quake or even Daikatana or something right? Nope, it came with Half Life of all things. I happened to snag one in box a couple of years ago and it comes with the full version of Half Life, which is pretty cool.
Ruin is an honestly underrated mod for Gmod, anyone know of any other Gmod gamemodes that completely change the gameplay like this?
Here's some various in game screenshots from Squadron Ghost, the cancelled Half Life total conversion mod from 2003. These are all definitely from different points in development, and unfortunately I'm unable to pinpoint exactly when some of these shots were taken.
Here's some more of the artwork related to the cancelled mod Squadron Ghost, this time its more concept art and even a wallpaper.
Did you know that RADI-8's NeoTokyo and Facepunch's S&Box have something in common? They both share the fact that they had earlier builds made on Unreal Engine! This early version of NeoTokyo was released in 2004 and was updated until around late 2005. It was meant to be a similar total conversion mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. It was still very much the same game when rebuilt for Source, which is why some of the earliest trailers and media referred to the game as NeoTokyo: Source. As far a…