king sans

king sans


half the life? no thanks, I'll take a full life any day

Joined 24 Sep 2022
johnny leave her
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.

I don't really know c++ programming that well but I managed to make something that triggers different entities depending on what you say in chat, so I think that's pretty cool and I'm going to try to actually complete a mod based on that


took the commandmenu and made it into a dialogue selector which uses the keyvalues on the entity to determine the options and what it triggers (will be in the cool mod)


High viewer rentention rate footage from a source engine mod I've been working on! I need that lambdageneration ad revenue. Rewatch in slow motion at least 5 or 6 times to pump up my numbers, loyal viewers. On another note, actual good mod coming soon. More details later. Nothing in this footage will be in the mod, this was just me trying stuff out with the SDK and programming. "Stay" "tuned" for "more" "amazing" "educational" "content" like this, "fellow" "gamers" "!"šŸ˜

The Rich Island War addon - Half-Life 2: Episode Two
The Rich Island War addon - Half-Life 2: Episode Two

I made a hl2 ep2 map for the hammer editor discord group's island competition. I figured that I should post about it on LambdaGeneration because it's a map I'm proud of. I believe this is the correct place to post about it, as it has little do do with the actual half-life series, and despite trying my best to examine the rules, I'm simply unaware as to whether or not just posting links maps you've created is allowed. Anyways, in spite of all of that, if it is allowed, here's the map.
