king sans

king sans


half the life? no thanks, I'll take a full life any day

Joined 24 Sep 2022
johnny leave her
One Year
One Year
Be a member of the site for a whole year!
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure

took the commandmenu and made it into a dialogue selector which uses the keyvalues on the entity to determine the options and what it triggers (will be in the cool mod)


I don't really know c++ programming that well but I managed to make something that triggers different entities depending on what you say in chat, so I think that's pretty cool and I'm going to try to actually complete a mod based on that

Currently (not even close to done) working on a rimworld mod to put the current map into the source engine with the press of a button, example shown up top. Had to learn c# and the intricacies of how to write a file in the vmf file format and create brushes from code, but I'd say it's been worthwhile.
First pic is hammer editor view, second is the original rimworld map.

BTW they compile without leaks, and it even supports water (amazing!!!!!!)
Currently (not even close to done) working on a rimworld mod to put the current map into the source engine with the press of a button, example shown up top. Had to learn c# and the intricacies of how to write a file in the vmf file format and create brushes from code, but I'd say it's been worthwhile.
First pic is hammer editor view, second is the original rimworld map.

BTW they compile without leaks, and it even supports water (amazing!!!!!!)
Currently (not even close to done) working on a rimworld mod to put the current map into the source engine with the press of a button, example shown up top. Had to learn c# and the intricacies of how to write a file in the vmf file format and create brushes from code, but I'd say it's been worthwhile.
First pic is hammer editor view, second is the original rimworld map.

BTW they compile without leaks, and it even supports water (amazing!!!!!!)

Currently (not even close to done) working on a rimworld mod to put the current map into the source engine with the press of a button, example shown up top. Had to learn c# and the intricacies of how to write a file in the vmf file format and create brushes from code, but I'd say it's been worthwhile. First pic is hammer editor view, second is the original rimworld map. BTW they compile without leaks, and it even supports water (amazing!!!!!!)

(where htdf subcommunity) anyways for all my freeman-hunting fanatics I just completed the entirety of the game AS pacifist as possible and the amount of necessary kills is as follows (surprisingly only 1 required kill if you disregard the epilogue): Beneath Of Freeman: 1 Antlion Cavern Guard (invisible wall in a linear area doesn't disappear until you kill it) Epilogue 2 stalkers (same as with the antlion guard) [7 gunships 5 combine soldiers] (game won't end until all enemies are dead) Mos…