


Funny Skeleton GIFs

Joined 16 Oct 2022
New Zealand
Contributed a reaction emote to a community
Judgement Day
Judgement Day
Took part in the #GabeGPT event
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
Took part in the #OpposingTheBar event
One Year
One Year
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Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
a new map for cs 1.6, with a rather funny story. a couple of years ago my friend also wanted to make cards for cs. he stated that he would make a "toilet" map. but he never did it. and I decided to bring this matter to the end, which I did.
now it’s a kind of “toilet complex” (there’s even a sign, it wasn’t in the screenshots), which the terrorists decided to blow up.
in the friend's original ideas, the map was supposed to look like a "liminal space poolrooms".
the map is made in the style of “old” mapping, as if it was made by a very inexperienced author (like my friend). and god, I really like it. It seems that this has the soul of that same cs1.6.
By the way, I published this map, and the trailer for it was made by that same friend
a new map for cs 1.6, with a rather funny story. a couple of years ago my friend also wanted to make cards for cs. he stated that he would make a "toilet" map. but he never did it. and I decided to bring this matter to the end, which I did.
now it’s a kind of “toilet complex” (there’s even a sign, it wasn’t in the screenshots), which the terrorists decided to blow up.
in the friend's original ideas, the map was supposed to look like a "liminal space poolrooms".
the map is made in the style of “old” mapping, as if it was made by a very inexperienced author (like my friend). and god, I really like it. It seems that this has the soul of that same cs1.6.
By the way, I published this map, and the trailer for it was made by that same friend
a new map for cs 1.6, with a rather funny story. a couple of years ago my friend also wanted to make cards for cs. he stated that he would make a "toilet" map. but he never did it. and I decided to bring this matter to the end, which I did.
now it’s a kind of “toilet complex” (there’s even a sign, it wasn’t in the screenshots), which the terrorists decided to blow up.
in the friend's original ideas, the map was supposed to look like a "liminal space poolrooms".
the map is made in the style of “old” mapping, as if it was made by a very inexperienced author (like my friend). and god, I really like it. It seems that this has the soul of that same cs1.6.
By the way, I published this map, and the trailer for it was made by that same friend
a new map for cs 1.6, with a rather funny story. a couple of years ago my friend also wanted to make cards for cs. he stated that he would make a "toilet" map. but he never did it. and I decided to bring this matter to the end, which I did.
now it’s a kind of “toilet complex” (there’s even a sign, it wasn’t in the screenshots), which the terrorists decided to blow up.
in the friend's original ideas, the map was supposed to look like a "liminal space poolrooms".
the map is made in the style of “old” mapping, as if it was made by a very inexperienced author (like my friend). and god, I really like it. It seems that this has the soul of that same cs1.6.
By the way, I published this map, and the trailer for it was made by that same friend

a new map for cs 1.6, with a rather funny story. a couple of years ago my friend also wanted to make cards for cs. he stated that he would make a "toilet" map. but he never did it. and I decided to bring this matter to the end, which I did. now it’s a kind of “toilet complex” (there’s even a sign, it wasn’t in the screenshots), which the terrorists decided to blow up. in the friend's original ideas, the map was supposed to look like a "liminal space poolrooms". the map is made in the style of “o…

my new own model made almost from scratch (with some used assets from the game of course) for SC (+ NPC version with UT sniper rifle and Deus Ex assault gun for my future projects)
my new own model made almost from scratch (with some used assets from the game of course) for SC (+ NPC version with UT sniper rifle and Deus Ex assault gun for my future projects)
my new own model made almost from scratch (with some used assets from the game of course) for SC (+ NPC version with UT sniper rifle and Deus Ex assault gun for my future projects)

my new own model made almost from scratch (with some used assets from the game of course) for SC (+ NPC version with UT sniper rifle and Deus Ex assault gun for my future projects)
