Rudely interrupted. (Yes, still Resistance and Liberation.)
This isn't mine I'LL BUY YOU A BEER *Loud incorrect buzzer noise*

blu sift

Ah.. So many memories.

I've seen too many of these god awful "my ideal gf" memes on reddit, so I decided to improve it!

To all those who love Half-Life and any other games that look bad, but still hold up to this day.. You're a chad 👍

I whipped this up in about 2 seconds. All credit goes to @half-combined for the cool images, he's a cool guy.

Resistance and Liberation Meme #1 _________________________________ 2/2/2024

C I V I L W A R ! ! ! This video was recorded in the 3rd remembrance vigil of a player named Khan, that took place on 1/26/2024. Khan began to play Resistance and Liberation (this Source mod) back in 2014, when he was just 13. Khan was a beloved member of the RnL community up until his death in 2021. He will always be remembered as a sophisticated troller, and very skilled gamer...

Playing with the boys. (Ft. Dragoconte and Pbro) (P.S. This game is a Source Mod called Resistance and Liberation. We need players, lol)