HALF-LIFE 2 RTX HAS LAUNCHED BECAUSE ORBIFOLD STUDIOS (HL2RTX Team) SENT FULL EARLY ACCESS AND I WAS ABLE TO GET ACCESS TO HL2 RTX BEFORE YOU AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HL2 AND HHL2 RTX... IT'S A JOKE WHAT I SAID GUYS. Image 1 is of me on a piece of box cut out of the wall using a paint can. Image 2 is of me using Half-Life 2 itself with paint on top of a saw.
Guys, can someone send an email to Lord Gaben and send this to the Source Engine Engineers. The image above is mine of an APC vehicle bug that has no animation (I played HL2 before and it had an animation). Build: 20th Anniversary Update/ Version October 26, 2024/Image taken October 29, 2024.
Why didn't VALVe put the Workshop in HL1? -Is it the GoldSrc Engine that is difficult to put in the Workshop and was never designed to put in the Workshop (I believe not, as HL1 as well as HL2 is easy to modify and port 3d asset files, sound, etc.)? -HL2 is considered to be VALVe's best game and it has more affection than HL1 (HL2 is my favorite and my game of life, but HL1 is also the game of life for some and it should have that, look at TF2, Half-Life Alyx , Source Filmmaker, Portal 2, Left…
''For HL2's 20th anniversary, I tried to make new art in the same style as my old art. This meant going back to the old ways and deliberately ignoring all the things I had learned over the last 20 years. It was a really fun exercise." @dhabiheng (Dhabih Eng) on Twitter (November 16, 2024). The image above is by Dhabih Eng (VALVe Conceptual Artist since 1998-present).
In November 2023 I thought: Will HL2 receive something similar to HL1 25 Years? Now it happened and I won't forget that day. Half-Life Alyx needs next year, as it is an important game for the HL franchise (2025 would bring 5 years of HLA, showing VR in HLA would be cool so that we can then reach 2026 for HL3 (I believe in a theory called the Half Update Trilogy -Life. Where VALVe between 2023-2025, would update HL1, HL2, HLA for a documentary and 4K Wallpapers. I tried to theorize). Image 1 I …
Guess which is the 2004 version and which is the 2024 anniversary version? Also, congratulations HL2.
#HL2-20 Half-Life 2 would be released in 2003, if it were released that year, it would probably be like this. The images are from VALVe.
#HL2-20 I can't wait for November 16, 2024. I hope: UI Adapted for 4K/8K..., Workshop Support, Steam Deck Adapted, Steam Deck UI Support, Expansions/DLCs included, Half-Life 2 4K Documentary. The images are from VALVe.