In November 2023 I thought: Will HL2 receive something similar to HL1 25 Years? Now it happened and I won't forget that day. Half-Life Alyx needs next year, as it is an important game for the HL franchise (2025 would bring 5 years of HLA, showing VR in HLA would be cool so that we can then reach 2026 for HL3 (I believe in a theory called the Half Update Trilogy -Life. Where VALVe between 2023-2025, would update HL1, HL2, HLA for a documentary and 4K Wallpapers. I tried to theorize). Image 1 I took from HL2 itself. Images 2/3 are from VALVe to celebrate the anniversaries of HL1/HL2. Image 4 is from VALVe to promote HLA in 2020.