HECU Cosplay 2

HECU Cosplay 2
Never get too close to the water
Happy San Valentine, Dr. FREEMAN
Concept art of the Incinerator (without the use of AI if this is important to someone). Elite cleaners of Overwatch, whose task is to eliminate aggressive flora and fauna from other worlds. Art by Dainzh
Concept art for a Heavy Combine unit. Actually i wanted to do a transhuman with a synth parasite and a baby strider corps as head. To show the cruelty of the Combine, with bioengineering experiments on humans and synths. So it's mainly a guy with a strong build => Big guy or bodybuilder (which we don't see in the half-life universe at the moment ? Maybe an idea for creating now models with different body shapes) with a thick layer of tactic / Kevlar equipment. It would have an alien/synth par…
Mr. Friendly finished, putting it together was tricky but I finally got it done. I hope you like it :D
Bootleg russian artwork always goes so hard.
new oc moment lol!!! design based off of tanaka from fear and hunger sorry for not posting in awhile
Time to suit up, Gordon.