


that zombie almost cut my life in half......2 times!!!

Joined 22 Sep 2023
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You Actually Tried
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im my opinion civil protection does not do a whole lot apart from like. Scaring and killing citizens, i do not think they even deal with actual rebel militia. SO i think they are sooo scared of soldiers. Those guys mean buisness and don't fuck around, they deal with resistance and dangerous alien wildlife. So if one's on your team better keep your head straight! (another piece of old art, this one from early 2023)

im my opinion civil protection does not do a whole lot apart from like. Scaring and killing citizens, i do not think they even deal with actual rebel militia. SO i think they are sooo scared of soldiers. Those guys mean buisness and don't fuck around, they deal with resistance and dangerous alien wildlife. So if one's on your team better keep your head straight! (another piece of old art, this one from early 2023)

if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.
if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.
if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.

if you think bullsquid hunting is crazy, just wait until you hear about those maniacs that go after ichthyosaurs. Bait them onto land and then stab em until they stop moving.

i am still working on my gmod posing skills...very slowly. I used a character of mine this time. Tinkered with it further using an art programm.
i am still working on my gmod posing skills...very slowly. I used a character of mine this time. Tinkered with it further using an art programm.

i am still working on my gmod posing skills...very slowly. I used a character of mine this time. Tinkered with it further using an art programm.