Took me an entire year, but I've finally finished this dang ol' video.

The rebels. They have my whole heart. 🥺💜

i made hl1 lego figures which map should I make for them? note:holy thanks to everyone i came back to see 48 notifications also I like all of them so they will all be made in the future but the one with these will be weve got hostiles

what do you guys think of my Lego Tf2 engineer?

Fun fact, at one point in HL2's development, the planned storyline was the following (this is based on a picture taken of a development board at Valve): Train ride: City 17 Station Terminal square Arcade (or other) Back alleys/Factory Breen plaza Sewers Canals Quarry Ravenholm Eli's Base Junkyard or Wasteland The Lighthouse (Train Ride?) (Alyx+Train?) Air Exchange Borealis Kleiner's Lab Factory Breen plaza City Street Gate to Inner City Inner City Citadel Interior Notice how Kracken Base and Weather Control were already gone. This was from late 2002

peer pressure (its okay i am an art slave)

sname!! snale!!! snake!!! snake!!!! sanme!!! snake!!! snake!!!!! snake!!!! snake!!!! snark!!

My latest invention

At the weekend i'm gonna play Entrophy Zero for the first time but i have a question: I sould play the first game? I say that because some friends tell me that the first game "dosen't have too much lore and i can play the second without problems"

LEGO Left 4 Dead Brickheadz Free instructions on my Rebrickable: | My Twitter: