
I like Legos, I make animations with them about half Life stuff, +Plus I Tried music. I got a YouTube If you wanna check that stuff out.

Joined 5 Jul 2023
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At the weekend i'm gonna play Entrophy Zero for the first time but i have a question:
I sould play the first game?
I say that because some friends tell me that the first game "dosen't have too much lore and i can play the second without problems"

At the weekend i'm gonna play Entrophy Zero for the first time but i have a question: I sould play the first game? I say that because some friends tell me that the first game "dosen't have too much lore and i can play the second without problems"

In the final room were you fight Clone Cop, you can see that Wilson was teleported there as well.

That explains why he's in a broken state after you defeat Cone Cop and get sent back to the Entropy Control room. Because he was next to the explosive barrels.
In the final room were you fight Clone Cop, you can see that Wilson was teleported there as well.

That explains why he's in a broken state after you defeat Cone Cop and get sent back to the Entropy Control room. Because he was next to the explosive barrels.

In the final room were you fight Clone Cop, you can see that Wilson was teleported there as well. That explains why he's in a broken state after you defeat Cone Cop and get sent back to the Entropy Control room. Because he was next to the explosive barrels.
