Unused intro To reassigned. This intro was cut because the scene with the dude in the mustache had really bad reflections. + The original way the episode flowed was bad and removing the intro worked in its favor. NO audio btw

I'm uhh doing a QnA to celebrate working on episode 4 of Half-Life: Disconnect. If you want you can comment here or go to my yt and add a comment to my latest community post . Thanks for all the support.

Character creation for upcoming stuff

He finally got his jacket
Lucia 7 hour war contest submission "enemy at check point"

Do y'all think, Anchorage Alaska and it's surrounding areas would be a good setting for a half-life series?

Pov: Freeman beating the crap outta civil protection

Currently I'm Brainstorming Episode 4 of Half-Life Disconnect. I'm coming around On an idea and I think I'll be able to start animation In a month. That being said I need to know, what else do y'all want to see in the series? Like characters, beta stuff, locations? Stuff that could fit in to the world, or work as a story but or gag. (I hope this doesn't come off as me fishing for comments I'm just genuinely trying to see what people would want to see and I don't know how to ask, also sorry admin for putting it in this category, idk where else to put it)

New soldier type /types? Affectionately named Skulk or sneak soldiers for their abilities to sneak through rebel defenses, have been a recurring enemy in HL:D. They are more autonomous then their grunt counter parts and have been know to actually speak when interrogated or thrown a rude or sarcastic gesture. And In recent times there have been reports of these kinds of soldiers being up armored and placed in special security and Outland Demolitionist groups. They will carry standard issue comb…