almost 20 years
almost 20 years
entropy zero 2 in a nutshell:
reached my first 20 likes on headcrab post let's go! for celebration, let's eat some headcrab...
Fact: The headcrab model that has been shipped in the final game is actually an older version of the headcrab. The first 2 pictures are the comparison between alpha and retail headcrab, and the last picture is the later headcrab that was shipped in Half-Life Day One.
I'll try to reverse-engineer the Day One game DLLs as a continuation of my previous post, can't promise on anything, though
A real beta.
today marks the 24th anniversary of Half-Life: Day One it was built on 21:36:27 Aug 31 1998(SW) and 21:33:24 Aug 31 1998(HW) it's executable was built on Sep 1 1998
Half-Life was intended to be played with software mode, since it has more developer leftovers than its hardware counterpart
Protip: use 16-bit color depth on WON HW(OpenGL/Direct3D) and set cvar r_shadows to 1 for a perfect Beta shadow @dieyoubloodsucker.wav