(Don't get too excited this is just a test map)
EZ2 Inspired track! Feel free to use in any of your projects just give credit!
#WestehMeets info_player_start in the map d1_town_05 in hammer editor
Trying to get better at artpass! But this is how this hallway turned out.
I'm sorry... but, due to some unexpected things happening in my life I will probably be taking a step back from the current LambdaBuilds competition to focus on life and will return to my other mapping projects I have in the works later. The map that I was doing required lots of time that I no longer have right now and the competition is ending pretty soon so it's my best option to keep myself healthy and not stressed.
Black Mesa East Raid for EZ2! This map is currently being worked on as my debut workshop map for EZ2.
I turn around to find the squad did one hell of a job on those Black Mesa East Rebels.
Artpass progress
I'm working on a short RTBR Div 2 map. It's not much but as some of you can maybe tell it's a small RTBR themed remaster of the original beta map zombie_town02. Featuring a small lone town to explore with dead outskirts, and a quick beast to face once you have had enough of this small town.