DmitronOct 15, 2022Half-LifeModdingBlack Mesa East Raid for EZ2! This map is currently being worked on as my debut workshop map for EZ2.114
Can't wait to play this
are we going to be playing as bad cop in this, or as a random combine troop/metrocop? i hope for the latter, but either way i'm looking forward to it!
The events of EZ1 heppend before hl2 so maybe where going to be playing clone cop before EZ2 or a random CP
Right now the map just has the same old Bad Cop but it's possible I might change him to just a regular soldier or something more fitting.
Honestly I always wanted a mod where you raid BME that wasn’t HDTF
Same here!
Yooooooo, like HDTF ?
Sort of similar I suppose but without Adrian Shepard's brother.