Pick 5 games and they will be gone forever PART 3 ! ! ! Welcome to the 3rd and final elimination. We've gotten to this point by eliminating all Valve games and you will choose from the remaining 10 games. The one with the fewest votes wins, so choose the 5 games you want to eliminate. LINK: strawpoll.com/polls/2ayLkbEkbZ4 [Half-Life fanart from Skyrim artist Jonah Lobe!]
TF2 update? Tf3??????
Pick 5 games and they will be gone forever PART 2 ! ! ! 69 voted and the fate of the rest is in your hands. Choose 5 games and they will gone forever. In Part 3, we will see everyone's favorite Valve game. LINK: strawpoll.com/polls/3RnYlX79Bye [Half-Life fanart from Skyrim artist Jonah Lobe!]
Pick 5 games and they will be gone forever pt.1 (Only valve games, fan mades are not on the list) Link: strawpoll.com/polls/BDyNEj9bzZR
The JB MOD (aka Justin Bieber mod) is one of the worst Half-Life 2 mod I've ever played. Even I can make a much better quality mod than this with a few days of effort. I really don't understand how this mod hasn't been forgotten for years somehow and why it's a topic again these days. Yes, memes and stuff, but what's so funny?