HallacAsJun 11, 2022Half-LifeFan artI used that AI to generate this image and I drew an Alyx with that outfit17167
Ronald HamrákJun 10, 2022Half-LifeIt's been a year since I've joined this wonderful community, and I must say, I didn't regret it at all! Thank you @lambdageneration(Edited)
Wolfcl0ckJun 10, 2022Half-LifeModdingMulti-Core era Cores over Corrupted Cores! [Portal 2] [Mods]gamebanana.comAnyone care about Multi-Core era? No? Well, here's some core replacements if you change your minds.66
Your Average HECU SoldierJun 10, 2022Half-LifeThis beautiful picture is my custom background for Black Mesa. Crispy.11
Half-Life: A Place in the WestJun 10, 2022Half-LifeFan ComicsRemnant's secrets do not meet with Dreyfus' approval.997