Get ready for #ShiftingTheBar
It’s time to Shift That Bar! #ShiftingTheBar
Early Source engine model prop I made around 2012 when learning about VMT properties, phong masks, and $jigglebones
I did some tests with my newly implemented PVS Culling. Apparently it's theoretically possible now to generate really big maps on Source Engine and make a roguelike kind of thing.
Doodly deedle doo. Did a track for Used in Trailer and Main Menus.
At last! The winners of the PVKII x Gamebanana Close Quarters Combat Mapping Competition are revealed first on Lambda Generation! Maps appear in order of final judge score from smallest to largest, with the top three maps at the end. Thank you to everyone who was involved with the competition and while it wasn't mentioned in the video, you know we are always thankful for our players!
Nope fuck that shit.
It’s my Birthday today. I got given this cake!