The conscript is BUSTING DOWN! This is the actual full version of the mocap animation used for the Gmod dance.
"The alien beauty of Xen" This, as you may have guessed, was mostly inspired by Black Mesa in which Protozoan, these mesmerizing bubbles, appear far more frequently than in Half Life. Black Mesa, to me, feels very... emotional, especially in Xen. It might be the graphics turned up 1000 notches, it might be the NPCs turned more human, it might be the renewed fricking AMAZING look of Xen and its music but this remake feels extremely emotionally charged for me. And that's what I tried to convey her…
More Resistance profile pictures! Sandy, Laszlo, Winston and Sweepy! (male_07 group2, male_05 group2, male_06 group2 and vortigaunt_slave)
"There's a ladder, Doctor Freeman..." I'm embarrassed to say I didn't figure out you could actually use the ladder here for a while...