
Participating. Someday fans will learn. When valve did not care - they did not care

Participating. Someday fans will learn. When valve did not care - they did not care

Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

At least they dont sue the heck out of u if u fix the game urself like a certain f*scist Japanese game company.

Jun 19

They just do whatever they cant so modding would be harder, and older mods not working

Jun 20

Steampipe ruined DMC and HL:S

Jun 20

And valve did not fix them.

Reply to 3037
Jun 21

yep. valve only cared about making Half-Life 1 convenient to update, and just assumed it would work out for all other goldsrc games. It does not.

Jun 19

Half-life 2 also has tons of bugs (and especially multiplayer) but Valve never cared to fix them. I'm hoping for an anniversary update (like HL25) but somehow I doubt it will happen. Some could say "but there's HL2 Update/Remastered/Cinematic-whatever" but I mean official game updates specifically.

Jun 19

Half life 1 have bunch of bugs aswell. Yes, allegedly remastered is coming at HL2 anniversary. But it might be in oficial scale. HL2 definitive edition if you wish. I personally would not care it it isn't official, as long as it in steam, and people see that fixed version. And it is moddable - It would be cool. Because for fixed HL1, you need to search for mods. TF2 have classic fortress, which you need to search.

Reply to 3037
Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

I personally not even give a damn at all. I mean with overall bugs HL2 have curently, its still runs better than similar games of its era, where u have to do cfg edits just to run them on widescreen since apparently the devs of those other games cant be bothered to update them for modern systems.

Reply to Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D
Jun 19

Well, in one side. Yeah. it is easier to launch vanilla game. In another, with every somewhat major update they brake older mods, which is for me seems much worse. "Yeah, you can now cannot be hijacked when playing half life standing on one leg using cable made out of african plastic. But all mods up to 2007 is now unplayable." And HL2 have bunch of good old mods that now cannot be launched. Half life 1 have less, but still have.

Reply to 3037
Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

Maybe sometimes it shoudlnt be updated. If there's nothing broken, better off dont fix it. Or Valve could've see the cue and open source the engine's source code like id Software did....dunno why Valve never did it.

Reply to Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D
Jun 19

I personally think HL1 shouldn't be updated, HL2 still in question primarily how much they broke in SteamPipe. HL25 is cool for normal user. But Valve seems to forgot that HL1 life now is modding, and not providing modding sdk is really bad idea, since most of users turn back legacy version for mods like Half-pain which did not work on 25 version

Reply to 3037
Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

yes. or like I said just release the whole source code. Personally hate the HL25 update for not reintroducing the EAX code back (yet somehow re-added the old GLQuake style stencil shadows though).

Reply to Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D
Jun 19

yeah, shadows is cool. But with source code, maybe they think it would affect players playing 1.6, or they just did not want fans make own source but better. But i think, point of 25 update - is marketing. They done what needed to be done for most of users. Big hud, OLd like menu (which is for me could be done better), old like bob (even if i personally think steam one was better, but making it optional would be good), fix of cutscene anim fix (without maps fixes). I mean, they done surface level fixes. Nothing for actuall fanbase. Not limit raises, not even HLS fixes for maps, which is minor but still something. Not even fix of MP5 sleeve so texture would be not stretched.

Reply to 3037
Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

and dont forget the EAX....for some reason they removed it in SteamPipe do they just forgot ALchemy exist?

Reply to Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D
Jun 19

They did not care, they did not provide alternatives. Sadly.

Reply to 3037
Dr. Link Freeman, Ph.D

yeah. Until they do that (which isnt gonna happen) Imma stick with my WON version. Especially since I got myself Sound Blaster Z few months ago.

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