When "Reconstructing Science" kicks in

Finally made an account after watching LG for about 2 years. Currently working on a Half-Life inspired retro shoooter.
When "Reconstructing Science" kicks in
Creating Half-Life 2 style, surface material-based bullet impacts. Work-in-progress. No impact sound yet and the bullet hole material is a place holder until I find something that looks more like a hole in concrete.
My Half-Life clone game is semi-playable! There's a LOT of missing assets, not a single finished map and only 1 enemy that has any real behavior programmed, but it works! In the upcoming days I'll be focusing on asset creation, so that I have textures to make maps with and more than 1 texture for all my impacts (using a yellow acid splash decal for bullet holes and blood now) and will probably look for people who can help, especially with mapping.
Ice axe Im making for my Half-Life inspired game. 240 polygons, 256x texture. Although I know very little about GoldSource models (In-game photo is a mockup), if anyone wants to use it for a mod of theirs, I can share the model's files
A while ago I made a set of D&D-sized Black Mesa science team miniatures for tabletop games. My intention were to turn the entire Half-Life 1 cast into minis for a Half-Life TTRPG game, but GoldSource models proved a bit too difficult to work with for 3D printing and a lot of them required extensive modifications. Either way, G-Man, Gordon, Kleiner and Barney are available for free on Thingiverse: thingiverse.com/thing:6400842
Fun fact: You can export any Source map into a 3D model using a single Blender addon. Here's the model of gm_Construct exported into Unreal Engine 5
I'm working on a Half-Life inspired retro shooter and I think I've got the basic movement pretty good. Not sure if it still fits the category, since it's not technically Half-Life, but a Half-Life based game, but I'd love to share more of what I'm working on.