(Please note that this is a work in progress and everything is subject to change.) Pictures of how the "under" maps currently look in Build 2003, I have tried to make everything look much older and in worse condition. Modb: moddb.com/mods/build-2003
70s Aperture poster based on a 1977 ad for Apple.
The Combine Artstyle Test 2
hello!!! first post here, figured i should give this site a go considering hl is my new current interest here's some of my half-life fanart so far, all originally posted on instagram. i have one more drawing which i'm going to post separately since it pertains more to my headcanon
Hello everyone, just wanted to show this drawing of the train station in HL2. This took me a while to do this and I hope yall enjoy it.
jimmy´s first steps into HL mapping community. made by Dave from Human Resources
Lamarr in his big "adventure" part 2(the first adventure is an alternate universe, where Lamarr did not have a very happy destiny, but at least he learned the lesson of not running away not like this Lamarr)
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world." -Ganondorf as The G-Man, 202x A sequel for the "Half-Life: The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time", Half-Life 2: The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess now reintroduces players to a brave new world. Join Doctor (Wolf) Link Freeman in this innovative sci-fi & fantasy crossover as he fought the forces of the evil Combine Overworld lead by Doctor Zant Breen, which is secretly controlled by Ganondorf The G-Man, accompanied…
Exploring Valve Archive, part 17. valvearchive.com>archive>Portal>Portal 2>Art>Boxart Concepts> Because there's so many boxart concepts, I've instead put them all together in a tier list (those are still popular... right???) Portal 2's boxart went through a lot of different iterations. A lot of thought and experimentation went into the design, which was evident from the sheer amount of boxart designs conceptualised. The final art provides iconic imagery and a sense of 'serious whimsicality', …