Hello everyone, it's been a while, yet again... Life has been very busy for the past few months, primarily due to my education as well as some personal matters. Just here to give a quick update saying that I'm going to be changing my username due to some "unforeseen consequences" with my current one, One google search of the definition "geekin" will explain everything. Also, I have a lot of projects to showcase from my time away so look forward to that. Other than that, that is all I have for now, I hope you have a good day and a happy holiday, take care.
Hello everyone it's been a while, I haven't really had much to showcase on the site but I'm here with something small that I had made in hammer. This took me about 5 days to put this map together and I really wanted to give the map good lighting and atmosphere. I feel pretty happy with how the map came out but Id love to hear your thoughts about it. I hope yall have a wonderful day.
I hella wasn't going to miss out on this #OpposingTheBar
I got bored during thanksgiving break and made this, hopefully this puts a smile on your face. take care.
Did anyone else, when you played Entropy Zero for the first time, didn't realize that the game was set on the hardest difficulty and played through the entire mod without realizing it? If no one else did then I am mad at myself.
I'm back, and ready, with minor improvements to my setup. #RememberFreeman
#RoboTravelsTo Cosmonaut, One of my favorite mods for Half-Life 2.
#RoboTravelsTo Townsquare in Cry of fear. (Sorry if someone already came up with this idea, This was really fun to make.)
Hello everyone, just wanted to show this drawing of the train station in HL2. This took me a while to do this and I hope yall enjoy it.
Happy Easter Monday!