Late to the party, but here's #WestehMeets Gordon on the way to work!
Been working on a map that, for the first time ever, I'm feeling pretty confident about! I might actually release something for once lol
Could there be a feature to make posts for your own profile outside of a community? Like a status update or whatever that only shows up on your profile.
Happy 10,000 members, everyone! Here's to 10,000 more :D
Making terrain with vertex editing in GoldSrc is the worst thing I have ever experienced. If some psycho told me I had to make a map with terrain in it and with no vertex errors or seams, or else my family would be killed, then I would just kill my family myself to get it over with. And I love my family.
WIP of a map I'm making #hldm
Got Prospekt from the Swelter soundtrack stuck in my head all day and I've listened to it like twelve times now. Pawel never misses :P
Ravenholm isn't scary. It feels like a really cheesy haunted house attraction at a cheap theme park.
Happy 25th birthday, Half-Life! We wouldn't be the same without ya.