Red Hot Teapot

Red Hot Teapot


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Joined 1 Apr 2024
Shit Show
Shit Show
Experience a crappy event
A few people thought my last post was fake.

I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...)

I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌
A few people thought my last post was fake.

I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...)

I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌
A few people thought my last post was fake.

I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...)

I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌

A few people thought my last post was fake. I can assure you, the melon is indeed real, and cost a mere £1.75 (the NECA Gravity Gun however, did not...) I guess @hl2rtx has set the bar very high that reality now has to compete! 👌

"hey shephard, i managed to sneak some cubans for deployment, sure you dont wanna share?"

a quick 50 min drawing before bed ^-^

"hey shephard, i managed to sneak some cubans for deployment, sure you dont wanna share?" a quick 50 min drawing before bed ^-^

very happy to announce a paid DLC for TimeWarp’s city demo! not gonna spoil too much about it, i’ll let the cover speak for itself :)

very happy to announce a paid DLC for TimeWarp’s city demo! not gonna spoil too much about it, i’ll let the cover speak for itself :)


We have decided to rebrand LambdaGeneration, that's right, you heard it here folks!🙌 It was a very thought decision for our team, but we think this rebrand will improve the shitification of our platform. 🚽 This is a result of the global Skibdi Toilet phenomenon, and global demand. 🌍 We are extremely excited for our new direction and vision for the site! 😁 We even made an exciting video for this special announcement! Enjoy the #SKIBIDIVERSE it's safer here!

(Edited by Staff)