We just published our first Axon Pariah developer update! New stuff!
"Wake up... Mr. Freeman... wake up and... smell the ashes. " When my neighbor introduced me to Half-Life at a young age, it changed everything. This game was special. I got the Half-Life 2 Collector's Edition on Christmas 2004. I remember the regular boxed copies would be any of the three faces featured on this box. It's one of my longest lasting pieces of gaming memorabilia. I've often thought of Halo as my favourite game series of all time... but Half-Life comes pretty close. Happy 20th, Gor…
Happy 20th Anniversary to Half-Life 2! One of the best games I've ever played! #HL2-20 🎂
my contribution to #HL2-20 im actually proud of making this
Yippe #HL2-20
Some fanart dedicated to one of my fav series ever. Happy Birthday Half Life 2!! (Plus bonus Russell and Adrian) #HL2-20 EDIT: Closeups on my profile. Sorry this is my first post :’)
Happy Birthday Half-Life 2! #HL2-20
Happy anniversary to Half-Life 2! PLEASE PLEASE GIVE THE THRID GAEM PLEASE PLEASE OPEASE- (rendered in gmod) #HL2-20
Our avatar got a little Half-Life 2ish 🥳 #HL2-20