i guess

i guess



Joined 14 Jun 2024
mental asylum

i wanna play deadlock so bad man (also we did not see eachother for 3 months i think it was like 2) PS : You stupid monkey it was not even 2 months or 1 it was just weeks ago

Been Re-Watching Gravity Falls Recently and Decided to create this Idk if im late to it See ya in 3 months Remember Reality Is A Illusion The Universe is a hologram Buy Gold! BYEEE

Been Re-Watching Gravity Falls Recently and Decided to create this Idk if im late to it See ya in 3 months Remember Reality Is A Illusion The Universe is a hologram Buy Gold! BYEEE


How many cockroaches do you think live in Xen No really think about it Don't you think the not Once Did a cockroach sneak into a teleporter to Xen and In Xen There is Breathable air Since we see a scientist perfectly Alive inside Xen So If that's the case and since Black Mesa Has bases in Xen And labs That means there is also Food in xen and other stuff and cockroaches can survive Radiation So now we return to the question How many Cockroaches do you think live in xen


Guys how many times do you have to drink dr breens private reserve to forget how to talk or walk