Resist! One of my hl original characters. Very angry woman who doesn't just hate combine. She hates them with fire and pation.

Artist (maybe). Not a professional, but still trying my best.
Resist! One of my hl original characters. Very angry woman who doesn't just hate combine. She hates them with fire and pation.
Valve have done a lexical mistake making this poster Thanks to @knedkned404 for noticing Russian language (which is used here. It's not Bulgarian! Or, at least, doesn't look like it) is very complicated, and it's got some small details that can make it absolutely irritating to learn and understand. You know, "Зелёная зелень зеленит зелёную зелень" translated in English as "green green green green green". So, here we are, another one of that details. " Одеть", which is used here, stands for "dr…
My version of humanized GLaDOS
Redraw of a picture from 2019, maybe I'll post it seperatly Like... Yeah. Barney. Saint Barney.
We got this moment in HL2ep2, where Eli asks Alyx to make him a cup of tea. So, here's the (((stupidest))) question: how is it possible to Resistance to have tea? Is it, like, was made twenty years ago, or do they have their own tea plantation (which is not possible under the Combine pressure), or is it random herbals just making up "tea"? Maybe you got some thoughts on this...
We clearly, _clearly_ broke the bar as it was excpected. That was fun to replay hl2 another time, but now with great purpose. Thank you all for this great number! #BreakingTheBar
#BreakingTheBar is coming Gonna replay all of hl2...
So, yeah, it's about three-months-old picture in hlask (in vk.com, of course), showing some of my headcanons on Breen. I really think he's underrated by Valve and community as a character, and nobody knows anything more than "He wAs AdMiNiStRatoR Of bLacK MesA anD hE iS bAaAaD!!". So, yeah. Here's a translation, but it's really not accurate 'cause I don't know how to translate _this exact words_ from Russian into English. -... Our nation, our planet, our motherland... We all lost many thing…
I made this image about two years ago Want to redraw it, really