Is a Lambda Generation iOS app possibly planned for sometime in the future? The site itself works pretty good and is organized well to work on mobile browsers, but I think an actual app would be better quality-of-life and generally good to have. Totally fine though if it isn’t, just my thoughts.


We need to rise up and cancel these non-burger-having deceptive liars and expose them for their FALSE ADVERTISEMENT #CancelLambdaGen #CancelLambdaGeneration (satire)
If you haven't played it yet, I HIGHLY encourage you to try the new Brutal Half-Life v3. I just got done playing about two hours into HL's main campaign with the mod, and its honestly some of the most fun I've had playing games in general the last few years. It's not just a gore overhaul, there's a bunch of new meaty new features and weapons and re-animations and IRONSIGHTS!! It's just great.

I saw this dad who posted this in a Facebook group, and I thought it was really funny and wanted to share 😂

Chat, am I cooked?

I always thought the Arbeit Communications logo looked kind of like a placeholder rather than a finished product that reflected the company's purpose and job graphically, so I thought it would be fun to remake the logo in PhotoPea as graphic practice. (This is in no way an insult to Breadman or his team, just my own personal interpretation of the company. Love you guys' work!)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the plot of the seemingly-upcoming Half-Life 3, and it made me think quite a lot about Portal 3 as well. Do you think a combined, all-in-one sort of game that consists of the two storylines converging with each-other would work? Picture how awesome it would be if you played as Gordon as you and Eli head to the Arctic to find the Borealis, but somehow run into Chell on the way as she volunteers to help the resistance, and gameplay switches over to Chell’s POV as you use the Portal gun. They could also somehow go to Aperture and attempt to employ GLaDOS’s help to find the Borealis? I know this probably wouldn’t make sense lore-wise (Doesn’t Portal 2 take place like thousands of years after the Combine occupation of Earth? I don’t think it’s deliberately stated, but I think it could still work) But I just thought it would be such a neat way to provide both stories with a proper happy ending, while also being epic gameplay-wise featuring mechanics and charac…
What if instead of LambdaGeneration it was called 'SpookyGeneration' and instead of posting things everybody spookied things