i haven't visited this site in a while. whoops.

He/Him - 16 - Australian Sourcemodder who needs his next Queen fix.
i haven't visited this site in a while. whoops.
some zombie render i made
The evolution of Half-Life: Absolute Zero (namely the first map in the mod.) These images are quite long, so you will need to click onto them to see the full thing. Advised to open them into a new tab to see them at their original resolution. 2014 - Development starts picking up steam again, level design being headed by GaussGunner and myself. ZedMarine would be slowly be making a return during this era. 2015 - Zed would become level design lead again, GaussGunner would start taking a back sea…
Despite what those may believe, "xen.bsp" from P4HL is not official and neither is P4HL itself. P4HL is just a mod that integrates Perforce directly into Half-Life's game logic.
Did you know that Opposing Force has entire UTIL function just to display a randomized haiku on the screen? For what reason? Dunno. Bind the command "haiku" to a button via the console and press said key in-game, it will display a haiku built from a select amount of phrases provided in the code base. (doesn't work in multiplayer)
Did you know that on Valve's Curator page on Steam there's a section for the Half-Life series? On said HL series page, there's a shocking lack of Half-Life. However, Half-Life: Source (the bad option) is at full display and is considered apart of the Half-Life series. This is unacceptable. Valve, please fix. store.steampowered.com/developer… (the page is also advertised with a pre-release Opposing Force screenshot, smh my head)
While the Green Steam client is nostalgic as hell, I can't help but to remember all of the bad memories I have with it. Like how it would be locked up whenever I tried to use it and I was only able to launch my games via shortcuts and via the SteamApps directory (via your username folder, as the common folder didn't exist yet!) I remember when they launched the beta for the new client; for once Steam actually functioned on my PC! While it wasn't as sleek as the old design, I was willing to forf…
You're not a real Half-Life™️ fan if you don't have THESE in your collection! 😤😤😤
Go on, buy the bootleg Lambda Generation sticker. I dare you.
You know, there's probably an alternative reality out there where Valve actually knew how to work with third-party teams. A reality where Valve acquired Gearbox and Turtle Rock (and depending on how certain thing may of panned out, Ritual too.) A reality where Turtle Rock's vision for Left 4 Dead got to release. A reality where Borderlands was on the Source Engine and co-developed with Valve. But no, we live in the reality where Randy Pitchford is the embodiment of a 10 gallon vat of grease and Turtle Rock is owned by the Chinese government. Why did we end up here?