I only made the meme, the pictures themselves were taken from here: reddit.com/r/OKbuddyHalfLife/com…

he/they - Autistic DID System :)
I only made the meme, the pictures themselves were taken from here: reddit.com/r/OKbuddyHalfLife/com…
On behalf of the Combine, I'm pleased to announce our new product and collaboration with Nabisco, Oreos flavored exactly to water from my private reserve! These will be given out in extremely limited quality, so please report to your closest nutrition handout station and pay a small fee of 500 Ration Credits, and you can enjoy the greatest Oreo flavor since Vortigaunt Green! Thank you.
welcome to Aperture Laboratories!
based on the "niko the cement boy" image with the seal
and here's yet another portal 2 poster with some experimental style too again
MEDICATION the coolest pills I've ever taken 💊 steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f…
“Sandvich makes me strong!” -Heavy Weapons Guy from Team Fortress 2 Made a real life Sandvich from TF2! Thanks to @fordongreeman284’s guide to how to make one! You can find guides here: community.lambdageneration.com/t… steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f… (Edit: Ok, Fordon Greeman told me that the guide was made by a Steam user named disanim8or. Be sure to check his guide as well!)
i finished my second sfm thing today text was added in post and is attempting to mimic hl2's subtitles