was asked to draw this; it was fun

The Part Where He Kills You

Still Alive - Uncompressed possible by putting together all the song stems available on valve archive

feel like posting a meme today

Re-imagining of Harvest with its original Arena gamemode for TF2-Classic Map is in rotation on 'Alt-Tab Custom Maps' servers if you want to try it out :) Map download: - tf2maps.net/downloads/arena-harv… - gamebanana.com/mods/570368 Preview vid: - youtu.be/pf387R1vkfU?si=YIeLbcUa…
profile link support for Artstation and Gamebanana would be really neat, if that's possible I believe a lot of artists and modders would appreciate it :)

Team Fortress 2 Classic

which side are you on? civilian portrait by Blaholtzen

team coloured shotgun posters :D (grn and ylw are from tf2c)