I finally got that wonderful and highly-acclaimed LambdaGen swag for X-Mas.

I finally got that wonderful and highly-acclaimed LambdaGen swag for X-Mas.
lambdagen folk. how did YOU get your username? (img unrelated)
Been a while since I've used S2FM, so I decided to boot it back up and give it a shot again, and try something a little bit different. (Repost cause I made it square now and added a lambda in the background) Credits: The background Gordon is overlayed on is one of the phone wallpapers for the HL2 20th Anniversary The Gordon model is "HL2/HLA Gordon Freeman Remastered [S2FM]" by Komegatze, THG, and Bruss
The Orange Box is now 17 years old - released October 10, 2007
In the latest update of TF2; They reverted Scouts pants back. Because there was way many cosmetics conflicting with the color of the blue pants texture.
Any Liminal Space fans here?
ATTENTION No break is to exceed fifteen minutes. This policy enforced via cameras.
WE DON'T LIKE YOU (Rebel Scum) and WE STILL DONT LIKE YOU By Aiden and Metro Beckin
Spy spy