The Cube Goblin

The Cube Goblin


I make stuff in s2fm sometimes and occasionally other stuff

Joined 6 Aug 2021
Two Years
Two Years
There won't be any more.
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
If only Drill Instructor Barnes could see you now! #OpposingTheBar
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You Actually Tried
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I finally got around to uploading some of my Half-Life steam grid stuff to SteamGridDB, so I figured I'd post it here in case anyone was interested. It's still heavily WIP, as there's a lot of missing games, and I still need to sort out logos and possibly icons for each. You can also look in the comments to see an example of the style they're in. The list of games/mods currently included are: Half-Life Half-Life 2 Half-Life: Opposing Force Deathmatch Classic Entropy Zero Entropy Zero 2 Half-Lif…


I'm trying something a little different to my usual S2FM stuff I'm hoping to do more since it was pretty fun to edit but also very time consuming Any editing tips/other feedback are appreciated :)
