


Formerly a Dr. Breen roleplay account, currently sketch things and ramble about lore and whatnot. I love art requests, please gimme some.

Joined 30 Nov 2021
Louisiana, U.S.A.
Create 100 posts
Judgement Day
Judgement Day
Took part in the #GabeGPT event
You Actually Tried
You Actually Tried
Have a post Featured by a community moderator or staff member
Follow Freeman
Follow Freeman
Reach 100 Followers
Babysitting Job
Babysitting Job
Took part in the #OpposingTheBar event
Made it
Made it
Completed the LambdaGeneration Half-Life 25th Anniversary Adventure
Two Years
Two Years
Be a member of the site for two years!
Stare At The Art
Wanted to make some Radio Guy fanart.
Side note, I feel like Radio Guy is the opposite of Gordon Freeman, they look similar but ones a coward and the other is Freeman.

Wanted to make some Radio Guy fanart. Side note, I feel like Radio Guy is the opposite of Gordon Freeman, they look similar but ones a coward and the other is Freeman.

Advisors, like their name suggests, are merely advisors of the governments set up on conquered planets. This could be taken as most Combine planets having not a directly-controlled Combine government with Combine leaders, but a government based on Combine policies enforced by force and fear controlled by collaborators.

Advisors, like their name suggests, are merely advisors of the governments set up on conquered planets. This could be taken as most Combine planets having not a directly-controlled Combine government with Combine leaders, but a government based on Combine policies enforced by force and fear controlled by collaborators.

A lone rebel prepares to make his escape from City 17 Uprising two days before the destruction of the Citadel’s Dark Fusion Reactor.

A lone rebel prepares to make his escape from City 17 Uprising two days before the destruction of the Citadel’s Dark Fusion Reactor.

Finished up the Half Life Alyx part of the map, but I’m wondering, should I do the HL2 canal maps to Joe they would be laid out in hammer, or should I do them based on where they appear in relation to the Citadel? If it’s based on the hammer layout, it’ll continue straight down, if it’s the Citadel layout, it’ll randomly wind up being West of the Quarantine Zone

Finished up the Half Life Alyx part of the map, but I’m wondering, should I do the HL2 canal maps to Joe they would be laid out in hammer, or should I do them based on where they appear in relation to the Citadel? If it’s based on the hammer layout, it’ll continue straight down, if it’s the Citadel layout, it’ll randomly wind up being West of the Quarantine Zone
