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Joined 11 Aug 2021
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My dream mods for Half Life is a mod from the perspective of a Black Op, a mod taking place right after Black Mesa while the world is being invaded by Xenians, and a HL2 Barney rebellion mod. What are yours?

Massive L to Valve for not bringing Rosenberg back for Half-Life 2. I think he’d be one of the only people to not only put up with and enjoy Magnusson’s ramblings about his inventions or Mossman going on and on about her love of science and how she wishes she could work with Freeman and the gang in the height of their careers. I bet Rosenberg would tell Mossman all sorts of stories about what it was like and everything, and he’d smile and laugh about the fun they had and how proud they were of their creations and look down in shame thinking about the good friends he lost to their recklessness. Barney would still stick around him a bunch, feeling the need to keep an eye on him and take care of him ever since the Black Mesa Incident, and when Gordon got caught in a harmonic reflux at the start of Half-Life 2, Barney would turn to Rosenberg, desperate for some sort of escape, some way to get him out of there, and Rosenberg would turn to him, hoping he’d have come up with some miracle way …


Possible explanation of the HECU Marines psychotic behavior: The reasoning behind why many of the HECU Marines display psychotic behavior, may be due to the Gman negotiating terms with the US Military officials, to allow Section 8’s (personnel mentally unfit and discharged from service) into the Special Forces Unit. We can see this from the training boot camp level in OP4, as Adrian Shephard spots the Gman in a building from the courtyard with a base commander, having been one of many hand selected Marines from Force Recon to join with the HECU and its advanced training program. It’s a stark contrast to some of the level-headed members of the HECU such as Shephard and his team, who were shown to exercise restraint to captured Black Mesa Scientists in OP4, during the last evacuation effort of the remaining Marines that were able to get out of Black Mesa.
