It has come to my attention some of you don't believe I am the real Gaben. You are wrong.

President and co-founder of Valve Inc.
It has come to my attention some of you don't believe I am the real Gaben. You are wrong.
I am the real Gaben. Here is the proof.
My latest invention
It was brought to my attention that @LambdaGeneration has been selling my face in the form of "LFTs" ( lft.lambdageneration.com/ ) , as well as creating an psychopathic AI chatbot @GabeGPT based on me ( gabegpt.lambdageneration.com/ ) without my permission. This is not acceptable. I am in the process of filing litigations against @robo and Alan for this. They can't keep getting away with it. #RoboTravelsTo Court
I am Gabe. Halver of lives, saler of games, maker of decks. Come forward into the light.
Steam Pipe just got a whole new meaning