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Dorm's Entropy:Zero HUDs and EZ1 HUD fixes addon
Dorm's Entropy:Zero HUDs and EZ1 HUD fixes addon

Updated my HUD fixes and my own HUDs stuff, small stuff but uh I felt like i should probably say it here too. uhh the EZ1 Huds does affect MODS like Proskept:Zero, and for some reason the base HUD of P:Z breaks and the only "fix" i have is putting in the base hl2 hudanimations.txt into the scripts which will make it PLAYABLE but doesnt restore it entirely. This probably also affect EZU, not entirely sure but you know be aware. *Edit, use entropy:zero 1's hudanimations.txt, im stupid. thatll f…

So, I'm putting this in MODDING instead of LORE since this isn't exactly HL lore and more of a mix of mods and hl2 and alyx. Just like last time.

So this is a continuation of my growing amount of lists, another for fun like the other Combine Weapons list which can be found here:

This is the Combine Weapons Beta list. Like before this lists the full name of the weapons which are just their irl name or digging around to figure out a proper name (not as much this time) along with focusing on what enemy uses what and names the enemy (which like last time, uses personal interpretations for like two or three instead of a good chunk.

This is list is for those who I didn't think fit well into the "canon" as much canon as the previous list as an example, the combine assassin being only female and designed like the assassins in hl1 rather than more combine oriented. Or it's the Synth Elite which is just kind of ridiculous-lookin but I felt like including it cause of the Spear Rifle. Or those that aren't as fleshed out enough for me to consider it yet.  Like the Alien Assassin or the Alien Soldier which just don't have their weapons modelled or have been touched upon long enough. Or it's the Conscripts which COULD fit but I consider them better off as early days Combine than late-game and conscription is just becoming a soldier.

If anyone want some explanation on any of the choices, feel free to ask.

Just to tell you how to view the image properly, CLICK the image on the site and then open it in a new tab to get the highest resolution and not bit-crunched to all fucking hell.

Link to the first list I did since I think it's good to do so you know. Even if I consider it already out of date.

Combine Hierarchy:

ANOTHER LIST So, I'm putting this in MODDING instead of LORE since this isn't exactly HL lore and more of a mix of mods and hl2 and alyx. Just like last time. So this is a continuation of my growing amount of lists, another for fun like the other Combine Weapons list which can be found here:… This is the Combine Weapons Beta list. Like before this lists the full name of the weapons which are just their irl name or digging around …

So, I'm putting this in MODDING instead of LORE since this isn't exactly HL lore and more of a mix of mods and hl2 and alyx.

This is a thing I did for fun compared to my Combine Hierarchy list where I tried to make a more definitive hierarchy image due to seeing a lot of people create good but inaccurate lists cause x,y,z 
(though, its not like there isn't problems with that one too, shotgunners are definitely not squad leaders, they're just an branch-off but i dont feel like editing it since I plan to redo it at some point).
a link to the post as well if youre curious about it.

This is the Combine Weapons List, it focuses on showing off what enemy uses what guns, the full names of every single weapon used by the Combine, some are easier than others (mostly the real guns used in HL2) and some I had to dig deeper into HL to figure out what a proper name would be for these things. It also names the enemies that theyre used from (which a great chunk of them are personal interpretation and not what theyre named in game. like the cops.) 

If anyone want some explanation on any of the choices, feel free to ask.

This image should be easier to read too than the Combine Hierarchy image.

So, I'm putting this in MODDING instead of LORE since this isn't exactly HL lore and more of a mix of mods and hl2 and alyx. This is a thing I did for fun compared to my Combine Hierarchy list where I tried to make a more definitive hierarchy image due to seeing a lot of people create good but inaccurate lists cause x,y,z (though, its not like there isn't problems with that one too, shotgunners are definitely not squad leaders, they're just an branch-off but i dont feel like editing it since I…

Autonomous : Zero Abandoned mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Autonomous : Zero Abandoned mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Hey, so I was wondering if anyone had a download to this mod, the game was taken down by its creator as something something backlash for being a bad mod of EZ and I can't seem to find anyone who has a download to it, there's a RTSL article… about it. There's a file name which is "hl2-ep2-sp-anonymous-zero-updated.7z" if you happen to have this mod, I would love to check it out and have it on hand.

I've seen a lot of Combine hierarchy images, and I don't think any of them are too accurate so I decided to make a more definitive verison, which then includes the rebels, so it ended up more of an overall hierarchy but seen through the Combine's eyes and such. If anyone want some explanation on any of the choices, feel free to ask.

I've seen a lot of Combine hierarchy images, and I don't think any of them are too accurate so I decided to make a more definitive verison, which then includes the rebels, so it ended up more of an overall hierarchy but seen through the Combine's eyes and such. If anyone want some explanation on any of the choices, feel free to ask.
