How would Headcrab taste like?

PFP by: @mydude
How would Headcrab taste like?
My little reimagination of Combine's logo
POV: You just said that Universal Union aren't our benefactor
Describe him in 3 words, no less, no more. I'll wait
Sometimes I dream about cheese
Hello there - been a while
"Dear Dr. Breen. Why has the Combine seen fit to suppress our reproductive cycle? Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen". Breen's response to this letter, is the most accurate showcase how dystopian system would control society. Hello and welcome to my thoughts on most popular Dr. Breen's propaganda aspect - reproductive cycle control. As all of you may know Combine in half life universe had set up suppression field, and they were controling reproductive cycle untill the citadel has collapsed, and I belive that this is the most important element of whole Combine administration on earth. Why? Well most of you know that it is as a matter of fact silent, effective and slow genocide on whole human race, but it is obvious for us - the players, I want to look through psychological aspects of such approach. Both in "1984" by George Orwell and "Brave new world" by Aldous Huxley reproductive cycle and citizens' sexuality is strictly controled, reasons behind it is because most of our actions are d…… New pfp Credit: @mydude For real dude makes good stuff
What does "247" mean?
Ok so, I wanna talk about counter-argument to the Opfor cannonicity, argument goes as follows that we spot as Gordon Freeman Black Ops operating in Black Mesa before HECU pulled out. I belive that Opfors way of events, that how Black Ops started to hunt down HECU is actually not exclusive with small BlackOps groups opperating before major force of BlackOps arrival. BlackOps fought Freeman in places where HECU wasn't assigned, just remeber, Freeman was one of three main taks of HECU. HECU major task was to containminate Black Mesa which includes taking down science team, alliens and hunt down Freeman. Hecu couldn't focus just on one task as such focus would be horiffic in results, that's why small units of Black Ops were sent to hunt down Freeman in sectors where HECU didn't appear. In this way BlackOps could create feel of trust in order to lead remaining HECU into a confussion.