New episode of "The Underground" by BurgerScum is out!
What was your favorite moment in Black Mesa: Blue Shift?
Really enjoyed the new Black Mesa: Blue Shift chapter "Captive Freight". The cast of characters are just so good and I love them all. So I decided to whip this up in Garry's Mod to celebrate this fantastic release!
Greetings scientists! HECU Collective’s Blue Shift mod is receiving a new chapter! Chapter 4: Captive Freight will be out on December 10th! The new chapter comes with tons of new content along with bug fixes and additional features for previous chapters! Fixes and added features: - Critical bug fixes (No more softlocks and invisible cables!) - Gameplay improvements (Better Guidance throughout Chapter 3) - Visual improvements throughout all chapters (Better lighting and models) - Animations im…
Some mapping work I've been doing for 2 days (kinda stopped rn due to many things I'm working on lol). This is a "remake" of HP entrance area from Black Mesa: Blue Shift, made by the furious and awesome LD Cyv0. I literally copied almost everything from it but made the area a bit bigger and open. I know about the lack of colors, I'll try to do something with it =) I'll try to post another WiP of the storage area in a couple of days... maybe Edit: WOW! thanks for that amount of likes, guys! I d…
Big day ahead, Fishman. (From our Discord server!)