A Scav Man

A Scav Man


I find things i like and post them, but I'll always try to credit things that aren't mine, because I have no talent and it's unlikely anything competently made is mine.

Joined 6 Sep 2023
Your walls
One Year
One Year
Time flies when you're browsing Half-Life memes

Is splitting accounts on steam a possible option? Me and my brother have shared an account for forever now, but we have run into the problem of being unable to play at the same time while on the same account. We have been playing so long that we have over 100 games and we both want to keep them, or at least split them. Is this possible? Can games be transferred or exchanged or split? or would we just need to make a new account and buy all of the games all over again?

I was working on a 'HL1'-like layout + puzzle I come up with. but sadly I'm not really feeling it... doesn't fit in this part for me specifically so i prob gonna scrap it in the end and turn this whole area into a more dungeon-prison design and think of another puzzle to solve
